45-Year-Old Man Diagnosed with Colon Cancer after Having Bowel Movements 3 Times a Day! Doctors Remind: 4 Major Symptoms are Signals of Colon Cancer

Lao A, a 45-year-old man with both elderly parents and young children and facing high work pressure, often works overtime and stays up late. His only way to relieve stress is through eating, leading to a consistently high body weight.
About a year ago, Lao A noticed an increase in his bowel movements, reaching 3 to 4 times a day. The later bowel movements were not well-formed, but he did not pay much attention to it. Recently, he became concerned when he experienced abnormal rectal bleeding during bowel movements, and his weight had significantly decreased. He decided to seek medical attention and was diagnosed with colon cancer, which had progressed to the intermediate stage.
After reviewing his medical history, the doctor mentioned that the symptoms Lao A experienced a year ago were actually signals of colon cancer, but he ignored them and did not seek timely medical examination, leading to the current situation.I. Half of Global Colon Cancer Cases Occur in China – Mostly Due to Delayed Diagnosis?
Data shows that the annual incidence of colon cancer worldwide is 1.36 million cases, with China accounting for 560,000 cases. In other words, about half of the world’s colon cancer patients are in China.
Dr. Tian Jing, a chief physician at the Disease Prevention and Control Center of the Southern Theater Command, stated that colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, has complex causes, and the medical community has not yet clarified the specific factors. It is generally believed to result from the combined effects of environmental and genetic factors.
Clinically, about 90% of colon cancers evolve from colorectal adenomas, and the cancer transformation rate of familial adenomatous polyposis is as high as 100%. However, the entire process takes 5 to 10 years, providing a good opportunity for colon cancer prevention. The development stages include normal mucosa, hyperplasia, adenoma, and adenoma-carcinoma transformation. Intervening at any stage before the transformation to cancer can prevent the occurrence of cancer, with a high cure rate of 95% for early-stage colon cancer.
Dr. Wang Yi from the Tumor Screening Center of Sichuan Cancer Hospital reminded that most colon cancers are diagnosed late. Early symptoms such as rectal bleeding and changes in bowel habits are easily mistaken for hemorrhoids or colitis, leading to a delay in the optimal treatment timing.
II. 4 Abnormalities are Signals of Colon Cancer – It’s Best to Check with a Colonoscopy
Dr. Li Wusheng, Director of the Department of Proctology at the Affiliated Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Southwest Medical University, emphasized that when colon cancer occurs, the body will exhibit some abnormal symptoms. Four such symptoms should be particularly vigilant:
- Frequent Bowel Movements: When there is a tumor in the colon, the rectum will be repeatedly stimulated, leading to frequent bowel movements, and there may be a feeling of incomplete evacuation or urgency after bowel movements.
- Rectal Bleeding: Colon cancer-related rectal bleeding often adheres to the inside of the stool, while bleeding caused by hemorrhoids may appear as jet-like after bowel movements. It is crucial to differentiate between the two, and rectal bleeding should not be blindly attributed to hemorrhoids.
- Changes in Bowel Habits: Generally, healthy individuals have regular bowel movements, usually once a day, and the timing is relatively fixed. If the regular bowel habits become irregular, such as multiple times a day, once every few days, or alternating between diarrhea and constipation, it is necessary to be alert to the possibility of cancer.
- Changes in Stool Shape: When there is a tumor in the intestines, it can compress and change the shape of the stool, similar to squeezing toothpaste.
III. Many People are Reluctant to Undergo Colonoscopy – Let’s Hear What the Academician has to Say
Many people have a strong aversion to colonoscopy, believing that taking laxatives before the examination is painful, the examination position is awkward, and there may be discomfort during the process. Consequently, they avoid undergoing the examination unless absolutely necessary.
Dr. Pan Zhanhe, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Oncology at Xiamen University Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, acknowledged that colonoscopy can be uncomfortable, and the laxatives before the examination and the insertion of a catheter during the process may cause some discomfort. However, most of the discomfort is within a tolerable range. Compared to the benefits that colonoscopy brings to the body, the discomfort can be considered negligible.
Compared to regular colonoscopy, painless colonoscopy is performed under anesthesia, allowing individuals to sleep through the examination, making it less uncomfortable. However, painless colonoscopy is not suitable for everyone, and individuals should follow their doctor’s advice.
Academician Li Zhaoshen of the Chinese Academy of Engineering reminded that if you are over 45 years old and have not undergone colonoscopy, you should do it as soon as possible. A single colonoscopy can prevent colon cancer for 5 to 10 years. Since the development of colorectal cancer is not immediate but evolves slowly from polyps, early examination can prevent it from developing into cancer.
Colon cancer has a high cure rate when detected in the early stages, so colonoscopy should not be ignored, especially for middle-aged and elderly individuals who should undergo examinations early.