Eat these to remove dampness and stay away from moisture problems


The term “moisture” must be a household name by now. Everyone likes to drink some tangerine peel and barley tea to remove dampness. Firstly, they heard that removing dampness can help lose weight. Secondly, as long as you log in to the online shopping platform, there will be many recommendations. Dehumidifying products. However, the results after use are often unsatisfactory, and even after buying many boxes and drinking it, there is no effect. At this time, someone stood up and said that the concept of “moisture” is wrong! The human body is 60% water, how can it be completely discharged?

You may have misunderstood this. The “moisture” mentioned in Chinese medicine and the water contained in the human body are not exactly the same thing. As for why it has no effect, there are many reasons. It may be that the dosage of the medicine is not enough, or it may be that the dose of medicine is not enough. It’s because you don’t have enough moisture at all, or you don’t differentiate correctly and use the wrong medicine.


What exactly is moisture?

First of all, it is a concept of traditional Chinese medicine, also known as dampness evil. According to the six exogenous evils and the five endogenous evils, it can be divided into exogenous dampness and endogenous dampness.

Exogenous dampness belongs to the category of the six exogenous factors. It is relatively easy to understand. That is to say, if we often live in a cold and humid environment, we will be susceptible to the invasion of natural dampness.

“Huangdi Neijing·Suwen”: The three qi of wind, cold and dampness come together and combine to cause numbness. This “paralysis” is caused by the invasion of external wind, cold and dampness into the human body. It often manifests as soreness, numbness and heaviness in joints and muscles.

Endogenous dampness belongs to the category of endogenous five evils. It needs to be understood using the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. It does not refer to the part of water contained in the body, but a pathological product.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen has the function of transporting water and dampness. If the function of the spleen’s internal organs is abnormal, the function of transporting and transforming water and dampness will be reduced. If water and dampness cannot be transported and transformed, it will become dampness evil if it stays in the body, often showing symptoms. Symptoms include heavy sleepiness, difficulty in defecation, easy stool sticking to the toilet, and sticky mouth.

As for why these symptoms occur, you can think about the nature of “wet”. Many people must have experienced it when it rains without an umbrella.


Clothes are very uncomfortable when they get wet. If the clothes are thicker and more absorbent, the clothes that originally weighed 300 grams will jump to more than one kilogram. At this time, you will feel that your body is almost tired and heavy. This is Chinese medicine. It is often said that “dampness is heavy and turbid”.

The other two symptoms can also be exemplified by clothes that get wet on rainy days. When the clothes get wet, they will stick to the skin. The stickiness is extremely uncomfortable. As soon as you remove it with your hands, it sticks back again. This is ” “Wet viscosity” performance.

Naturally, this explains why the stool cannot be flushed and the mouth is sticky. There are many manifestations of heavy moisture, and the causes can basically be explained by associating its properties.

Although dampness evil is divided into internal dampness and external dampness, this does not mean that they are independent of each other and have no connection. The six evils hurt people from the outside to the inside. That is to say, although external dampness hurts the outside, It will also go inward, which may lead to internal dampness. The same is true for internal dampness. The organs will be dysfunctional and susceptible to external dampness.

Sishen Decoction with the Same Origin of Medicine and Food

Sishen Soup is composed of Poria cocos, yam, lotus seeds and Gorgon seeds. These are common ingredients in our daily life and can be made at home.


More than 200 years ago, Emperor Qianlong took his four beloved ministers to the south of the Yangtze River. The four ministers worked day and night, and they were not accustomed to the climate. They fell ill one after another. The emperor called the imperial doctor to treat the illness, but the imperial doctor had no choice but to publish a list. Seek medical attention.

Not long after, a monk came to diagnose the disease. After checking his pulse, he prescribed a recipe of stewed pork belly with poria, yam, lotus seeds and gorgon seeds. He said, “Four ministers, it’s done.” and left.

The four ministers recovered after drinking it. After that, whenever officials visited the south, they would prepare several pairs. Over time, this recipe became popular among the people as “Sichen Tang”. Later, it was spread to Taiwan. They did not understand the origin of the name of the soup, and in In Taiwanese, “chen” and “神” have the same pronunciation, so it is also known as “Sishen Soup”.



First, let’s take a look at Poria cocos. It is commonly known as Yunling. Its nature and flavor are sweet and mild. When it comes to its effects, the most well-known one is that it can relieve water and dampness, and it is indeed good at removing dampness.

In Wuling Powder, which mainly removes dampness and promotes water circulation, it also plays a major role. In addition, it can also strengthen the spleen. A deficiency of the spleen will lead to heavy dampness. Poria cocos can strengthen the spleen and restore the spleen’s ability to transport water. Function, this is well reflected in Shenling Baizhu Powder, which is often taken by people with spleen deficiency.

In prescriptions such as Suanzaoren Decoction, it also assists the monarch medicine in clearing away heat and calming the nerves. The edible Poria cocos and medicinal Poria cocos we usually use when making porridge are the same thing, so it is a standard Chinese herbal medicine with both medicinal and food uses.


Chinese yam is different from Poria cocos. It is good at tonifying deficiency. The medicinal taste of yam is relatively sweet. It can directly enter the middle burner to nourish the spleen and stomach. It is also moisturizing. The power of removing dampness is not as powerful as Poria cocos. However, it also has the function of strengthening the kidney and replenishing essence. effect.

Yams can nourish the lungs, spleen and kidneys, and have a very good effect on diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency and dampness invasion. Therefore, in daily life, people will make it into dishes and serve it on the table, but in fact, what we eat daily is vegetable yam. , and medicinal yam requires slicing the yam, processing it, drying it, and then frying it with bran, so that the effect of strengthening the spleen will be better.

▋ Gorgon seeds and lotus seeds

Gorgon seeds and lotus seeds are introduced together because they are similar in all aspects. They are both seeds of the Nymphaeaceae plant. They are neutral in nature, sweet and astringent in taste, and both have the effects of nourishing the spleen, replenishing qi, and replenishing the kidneys.

However, the spleen-tonifying effect of lotus seeds is stronger than that of Gorgon fruit, and the dampness-removing effect of Gorgon fruit is stronger than that of lotus seeds. If the two medicines are matched, they can be regarded as complementing each other.

Lotus seeds can also nourish the mind and calm the mind. If you have symptoms of insomnia and dreaminess, sometimes using lotus seeds alone will have good effects.

Gorgon fruit also has its unique effect, dehumidifying and stopping vaginal discharge. In the commonly used gynecological prescription Yihuang Decoction from “Fu Qingzhu Women’s Medicine”, Gorgon fruit is used as a royal medicine to strengthen astringency and stop vaginal discharge, because it has strong astringent properties.


What is the use of Sishen Soup?

▋Strengthens the spleen and removes dampness

It can treat various symptoms caused by spleen deficiency and excessive dampness, such as spleen deficiency and diarrhea, or poor defecation and sticky stools, indigestion, anorexia, heavy body, sticky mouth, obesity, etc. This is also detailed in the prescription. introduce.

According to modern research, taking Sishen Decoction can increase gastrointestinal motility to achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. People with poor gastrointestinal problems can take it regularly. If children have indigestion, they can also use it with confidence.

▋Yishen astringent essence

It can treat symptoms such as spermatorrhea and fatigue caused by kidney qi deficiency. The three herbs in the prescription all have the effect of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening essence. If you usually have symptoms of soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, you can take them. Don’t wait until you have nocturnal emissions to remember to take the medicine.

It clears away heat and calms the nerves, and can treat upset, anxiety and insomnia caused by strong heart fire in summer. Poria cocos has the effect of clearing away heat and calming the nerves, while lotus seeds can also nourish the heart and calm the mind, and are very effective in treating these symptoms.

Things to note when removing moisture:

1. Patients with severe dampness are recommended to be treated with traditional Chinese medicine, cupping, diet therapy, etc. under the guidance of a doctor.

2. In daily life, be careful not to stay up late and get more rest, which will help remove moisture.

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