These 5 behaviors really damage the kidneys


Xiao Li often plays games day and night. Sometimes in order to save time, he buys a few bottles of Coke and drinks them. After drinking them, he feels full.

However, the good times did not last long. Recently, he felt that he could not find the energy to do anything, his appetite was getting worse and worse, and he no longer had the energy to play even his favorite games. At first, he thought it was caused by being too tired, but after a week of rest, he didn’t get better, so he panicked and rushed to the hospital for examination.

The results showed that his urinary protein index was extremely high, and he was eventually diagnosed with uremia . After more than half a month of dialysis treatment, he died after ineffective rescue efforts .

Kidney disease is no small matter, and the threat to human health cannot be ignored. There is a saying that the high incidence of kidney disease in China is related to “drinking water”. Is this true?

1. If you urinate profusely just after drinking water, is this due to “kidney deficiency”?

Excessive urination after drinking water is often considered to be a sign of kidney failure, but in fact, drinking more water will naturally increase the amount of urine. It can only be said to be a normal physiological phenomenon and one of the manifestations of the normal working of the kidneys.

As for the frequency of urination, it is actually affected by the bladder’s urine storage capacity and bladder muscles. When the amount of water consumed exceeds the bladder’s urine storage capacity, the frequency of urination will increase . In addition, poor bladder muscle control will also increase the urge to urinate , especially in pregnant women.

There are also some people who don’t like to drink water, because the bladder has been in a dehydrated environment for a long time. Once water flows in, the bladder will automatically respond to excretion, so they drink very little water and go to the toilet frequently. Condition.

Of course, in addition to the above physiological reasons, some diseases can also cause abnormal urination, such as diabetes, urinary tract infection, prostatic hyperplasia , etc. In addition, there are also people with high blood pressure and long-term medication . Due to damage to the renal tubules, the ability to regurgitate at night is weakened. This will lead to increased nocturia.

Generally, nocturia is called nocturia when it occurs more than 2 times or exceeds 1/3 of a day’s urine output.

Moreover, there are individual differences in the speed of urine formation. Some people only need 6 to 8 minutes, but some people may need about 120 minutes. Therefore, as long as the time from drinking water to urinating is within this range, it is normal.

In fact, most cases of frequent urination have nothing to do with the kidneys. Only abnormal symptoms such as frequent urination combined with high proteinuria may be kidney problems.

Therefore, judging whether the kidneys are healthy cannot just rely on the frequency of urination. It also requires a comprehensive evaluation of multiple factors. If you are really worried, you can also seek medical examination in time.

2. Is drinking too much water the “culprit” of kidney damage? Does it make sense?

I often see discussions on the Internet about drinking too much water. Some people say that “drinking too much water will increase the burden on the kidneys and cause damage.” Isn’t drinking more water a daily physiological function? Why is such a common thing like drinking water such a big difference? Does the water we drink really put a burden on the kidneys?

When water enters the human body, it will travel with the blood to various tissues and organs throughout the body in 0.5 to 1 hour for replenishment. The remaining water will be collected with other wastes to the kidneys, filtered and then excreted in the urine.

The kidney is a filter with a total of 1 million to 2 million nephrons. The corresponding nephrons are activated according to the blood flow to filter. Under normal circumstances, one-quarter of the nephrons can meet the filtration needs, so drinking some water appropriately will not affect kidney health.

However, it should be noted that drinking a large amount of water in a short period of time will increase the workload of the kidneys, and as the amount of perspiration increases, it will also cause excessive loss of salt in the body and affect electrolyte imbalance. In addition, drinking too much water may lead to excretion imbalance and cause “water intoxication”.

Especially for people with poor kidney function , it is not recommended to drink a lot of water in a short period of time. Generally, a normal person’s daily intake of 1500~1700ml of water can meet the body’s daily needs.

In addition, do not wait until you are thirsty before drinking , because such a body will often be in a state of dehydration, and the concentration of calcium and impurities in the urine will increase, which will increase the deposition of crystals in the urine and form stones. If things go on like this, more and more stones will occur, which may also cause obstruction of the urinary tract, hydronephrosis, and damage to kidney function.

Moreover, multiple studies have found that long-term dehydration in the human body is more likely to cause kidney stones, urinary tract infections, urinary system cancer and other diseases .

3. How many of these “death-seeking” kidney-damaging habits have you fallen into?

The top international medical journal “The Lancet” has published a relevant statistical report. The data shows that the incidence of chronic kidney disease in adults in China is as high as 10.8% . Basically, there may be one kidney disease patient in 10 people, and the “culprits” may be the following unknown people: unconscious living habits.

1. Frequently holding in urine

If urine is not discharged in time and remains in the bladder for a long time, it will increase the bacterial reproduction rate and increase the risk of urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis . Patients may suffer from back pain, frequent urination, urgency and even uremia.

2. Excessive drinking of drinks

The high acidity of beverages will affect the pH balance of the human body. In particular, the main job of the kidneys is to regulate the pH of the human body. Long-term excessive intake of beverages will burden the kidneys and increase the probability of kidney damage.

3. A salty diet

The direct impact of a salty diet is excessive salt content, which can lead to abnormally high blood pressure , affect the normal blood flow of the kidneys, and increase the risk of kidney disease.

4. Drug abuse

After a normal human body ingests drugs, they circulate throughout the body with the blood, and are eventually metabolized outside the body through the kidneys, reducing drug residues in the body. However, drug abuse can cause renal metabolism overload , increase the risk of nephrotoxicity , and can lead to renal failure in severe cases.

5. Drink strong tea after drinking alcohol

Many people think that drinking strong tea after drinking can relieve hangover, but this behavior has been debunked. in tea Because theophylline has a diuretic function, drinking tea after drinking alcohol is like allowing a large amount of alcohol that has not had time to be decomposed to accumulate in the kidneys. The kidneys are stimulated by a large amount of ethanol, which will also damage kidney function in the long run.

In short, if you want to protect your kidneys, you must pay attention to the effects of the above-mentioned bad behaviors and do not let bad living habits become health hazards. You can also pay more attention to dietary regulation, insist on exercise, promote metabolism in the body, and let health penetrate into all aspects of life.

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