What are the symptoms of liver failure? Do these things to nourish and protect your liver


The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It not only participates in important physiological functions such as digestion and metabolism, but also undertakes important tasks such as detoxification and detoxification. Therefore, if there is a problem with liver function, it will not only affect the body’s health and immunity, but also affect various organs throughout the body, and even cause a series of diseases.

5 symptoms of liver failure

1. The whole body is weak, easily sleepy, and always feels unable to wake up. This may be due to the liver not being able to metabolize energy properly. When the liver is damaged, it may not be able to convert food into energy, causing the body to feel tired and weak.

2. The eyes and skin turn yellow, there are liver palms on the hands, and spider veins on the chest. These symptoms may be caused by the liver’s inability to metabolize bilirubin properly. Bilirubin is a substance produced by the liver when it breaks down hemoglobin, and if the liver cannot process bilirubin, it can lead to jaundice and other symptoms.

3. I have a bad temper and get angry easily. Liver and Mood Linked Studies show that liver disease may lead to depression, anxiety and other emotional problems. In addition, the liver is also responsible for synthesizing some hormones that regulate mood, such as serotonin and dopamine. Therefore, when there is a problem with the liver, mood is also affected.

4. Bleeding gums, oral ulcers, etc. These symptoms may be caused by the liver not being able to synthesize clotting factors properly. Clotting factors are substances that help blood clot, and if the liver is damaged, it can lead to bleeding tendencies and other health problems.

5. Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc. These symptoms may be caused by the liver’s inability to digest and absorb nutrients properly. When there is a problem with the liver, it can interfere with the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

How to nourish the liver in daily life?

1. Dietary conditioning is one of the important ways to protect the liver. Greasy, spicy, and pungent foods will stimulate the liver to secrete bile, increase the burden on the liver, and easily lead to problems such as fatty liver. Therefore, it is recommended to eat less of these foods and more foods rich in fiber and vitamins such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., which can help promote liver detoxification and repair.

2. Moderate exercise can promote blood circulation and enhance liver metabolism. Long-term lack of exercise can lead to poor circulation in the body and affect the metabolic function of the liver. Appropriate aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc. can improve cardiopulmonary function and metabolic level, and help improve liver function.

3. Rational use of medication is also one of the important measures to protect the liver. Many drugs have certain toxicity, and long-term abuse can cause damage to the liver. Therefore, when using drugs, you should follow the doctor’s instructions and do not increase or decrease the dosage or change drugs at will. At the same time, medications containing ethanol should be avoided because alcohol can cause direct damage to the liver.

4. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is also one of the necessary measures to protect the liver. Smoking and drinking will have adverse effects on the liver, especially heavy drinking, which can lead to fatty liver, hepatitis and other diseases. Therefore, in order to protect the health of the liver, one should try to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption to reduce harm to the body.

How to nourish your liver if you stay up late for a long time?

1. Eat a reasonable diet. Pay attention to a light and hygienic diet to avoid physical discomfort symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. Late-night snacks should avoid fried, spicy foods, tobacco and alcohol intake, and focus on fresh vegetables, fruits, and carbohydrates.

2. Get a reasonable amount of sleep. You need to make up for your sleep properly during the day before and after staying up late. Some research suggests that it is best to use the method of jet lag and choose a time to rest corresponding to staying up late at night.

3. Live a regular and healthy life and do not abuse supplements. If it is unavoidable to stay up late for a long time, we should eat reasonably and healthily, exercise appropriately, improve physical fitness, pay attention to sleep time and sleep quality, and ensure effective and adequate sleep. Those so-called “supplements and supplements” in life may not only be ineffective, but may also lead to drug-induced liver damage or even liver failure.

4. Bear bile powder is a health supplement. Studies have shown that bear bile powder can increase the content of liver glycogen and give the human body more energy; repair damaged liver cells, restore liver function, and improve blood lipid levels; it has a sedative effect and improves sleep quality and speed of falling asleep.

What are some foods that are good for your liver?

1. Wolfberry: It has the effects of nourishing yin, nourishing the kidneys, improving eyesight, etc., and can promote the regeneration and repair of liver cells.

2. Green apple: It is rich in pectin and vitamin C, which can lower cholesterol and blood sugar and help protect liver health.

3. Green dates: rich in vitamin C, carotene and other nutrients, which can promote the detoxification function of the liver.

4. Cornus officinalis: It has the effects of nourishing yin and moisturizing, nourishing the kidneys and liver, and can improve liver function.

5. Date kernel: rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate and other nutrients, which can promote the regeneration and repair of liver cells.

6. Animal liver: It is rich in trace elements such as iron, zinc, copper and nutrients such as vitamin A and B vitamins, which can promote the regeneration and repair of liver cells.

7. Soybeans and soy products: rich in high-quality protein, lecithin, isoflavones and other nutrients, which can lower cholesterol and prevent fatty liver and other diseases.

8. Watermelon: It is rich in water and potassium, which can promote liver detoxification and metabolism.

In summary, liver disease symptoms vary and require diagnosis and treatment based on the specific cause. It is recommended that everyone develop good living habits, maintain a healthy diet, and exercise appropriately to prevent the occurrence of liver disease. If you have any concerns or experience the above symptoms, please seek medical examination in time.


“Most people don’t know these signs of liver disease! Recommended Collection》.Medical Microvision.2021-12-20

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