What are the side effects of antipyretics? Be aware of these adverse reactions every day


Antipyretics are common in daily life, and almost every family with children has them on hand. Colds and fevers are common diseases in our lives. We are all accustomed to taking antipyretics for treatment. Common antipyretics include ibuprofen, nimesulide, lysine, aspirin, and acetaminophen. It can be said that antipyretics are One of the most effective and quick ways to reduce fever, but as the saying goes, “a medicine is three parts poisonous”, antipyretics are also a kind of medicine after all, with varying degrees of side effects and cannot be abused. So what are the side effects of antipyretics?

Antipyretics generally have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, causing patients to experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort. When used in large doses, they can induce gastrointestinal ulcers, even painless bleeding, or worsen the condition. Symptoms of peptic tract ulcers, ulcer patients should choose antipyretics carefully.

Antipyretics may affect our coagulation function and prolong bleeding time. Severe liver damage, low prothrombin degree, hypoprothrombinemia and a tendency to aggravate bleeding. Therefore, patients who are preparing for surgery should stop taking antipyretics one week before; after the mother enters the preparation period for delivery, even if she has a fever, she cannot take antipyretics casually and must go to the hospital in time.

Antipyretics can cause allergic reactions, so patients with allergies or a history of allergies should use antipyretics with caution. In addition, people with asthma, nasal polyps and chronic urticaria cannot take antipyretics and should go to the hospital for regular treatment in time. Check up and use the correct medication with the help of a doctor.

Salicylic acid antipyretics and analgesics have a salicylic acid reaction. Long-term use may cause patients to suffer from headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, vision and hearing loss and other uncomfortable symptoms. Especially if the dosage is too large, the patient may suffer from mental disorder. , convulsions and other serious symptoms.

Most painkillers and antipyretics contain acetaminophen, which if taken in excess will increase the risk of abnormal liver function and even lead to liver damage.

Warm reminder: We should take antipyretics sensibly when we have a cold or fever, especially if the baby has a fever. Parents should not give antipyretics to their babies casually. Blind and misuse of antipyretics will only delay the condition of the antipyretics, so the baby’s fever and body temperature will be low. If the fever lasts for a long time or the fever temperature is higher than 38.5℃, parents should pay close attention to changes in the condition and try physical cooling methods. However, if the fever lasts for a long time or the fever temperature is higher than 38.5℃, they must follow the doctor’s advice correctly. Choose antipyretics rationally.

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