It’s really dangerous to take antihypertensive drugs like this! Many patients are still committing the crime, please check it quickly


Sister Wu, 49 years old, suddenly had a nightmare half a year ago. She dreamed that she was terminally ill and would die soon. The reality of the dream caused her to be unable to calm down for a long time after she woke up.

Because Sister Wu was diagnosed with high blood pressure many years ago, her family still took her to the hospital for a check-up. The results showed that her blood pressure was a bit high, but there were no other problems. The doctor prescribed anti-hypertensive drugs for her and told her to review her regularly.

After returning home, Sister Wu did not feel relieved. She still lived in fear of that nightmare every day, with tension, anxiety and other negative emotions often surrounding her.

Only when she was busy, she would temporarily forget her fear, but when she was busy, she would easily forget to take medicine . If she remembered, she would take the amount of medicine she had forgotten before.

This continued for more than half a year. Sister Wu suddenly fainted while working one day. When she was sent to the hospital, she was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage . After all-out efforts to save her life, she failed to save her life and eventually passed away.

The family can’t help but wonder why cerebral hemorrhage still occurs even though they have been taking antihypertensive drugs.

1. One of the most overlooked risk factors for hypertension

The common risk factors for hypertension include unhealthy diet and prolonged sitting, but few people have noticed that in fact, mental and psychological factors are also one of the risk factors that affect the occurrence of hypertension, and they have a great impact.

Relevant data show that common symptoms in patients with high blood pressure related to mental stress include dizziness, headache, fatigue, palpitations and other symptoms. At the same time, they may also have symptoms such as decreased concentration, nervousness, irritable temper and sound sensitivity. For this type of patients, it is necessary to identify symptoms of anxiety and depression early and intervene to better control blood pressure.

The “European Journal of Preventive Heart Disease” also published a study pointing out that factors such as work stress and insomnia can double the risk of death from cardiovascular disease in patients with hypertension .

Researchers followed nearly 2,000 hypertensive patients aged 25 to 65 for 17.8 years. At the beginning of the follow-up, all subjects did not suffer from cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

After the follow-up, the researchers found that compared with people who were not stressed and slept well, subjects with greater work pressure and frequent insomnia had a 56% and 76% increased risk of cardiovascular disease respectively . If the two problems existed at the same time, Will cause the risk to increase by 2 times.

2. Doctor’s advice: These 3 misunderstandings about antihypertensive drugs must be avoided

Sister Wu mentioned above, the reason why she suffered from cerebral hemorrhage, in addition to mental stress, was also closely related to her long-term bad medication habits . These misunderstandings must be avoided!

1. The more antihypertensive drugs you take, the better the effect.

Many hypertensive patients will increase the dosage of their medications or use a combination of multiple medications in order to lower their blood pressure faster, but doing so can easily induce hypotension. Especially for the elderly, low blood pressure can cause insufficient blood supply to the brain and heart, easily cause dizziness, headaches, etc., and even induce angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke , etc.

2. You can stop taking the medicine on your own once your blood pressure drops.

Some hypertensive patients feel that they have recovered after finding that their blood pressure is normal, and they will stop taking medicine on their own and continue taking medicine after their blood pressure rises. This behavior is highly undesirable. Hypertension is a chronic disease and cannot be cured once diagnosed.

Patients need to take drugs for a long time to control their blood pressure. Blindly stopping the drug will cause the blood pressure to fluctuate, which not only fails to achieve the therapeutic effect, but also easily leads to serious complications of the heart, brain and kidneys.

3. Antihypertensive drugs need to be replaced frequently

Antihypertensive drugs are different from ordinary antibiotics and do not easily cause the body to develop resistance. As long as it can lower blood pressure and the body has no obvious adverse reactions, there is generally no need to change the medication .

3. If you take antihypertensive drugs for a long time, you should be cautious if the following three symptoms appear in your body:

For patients with high blood pressure who have been taking medicine for a long time, if these symptoms appear in the body, they must seek medical examination in time.

1. Weakness in limbs, palpitation and chest tightness

Taking antihypertensive drugs such as diuretics can easily lead to a large loss of potassium in the body , which can lead to symptoms such as weakness in the limbs, palpitation, and chest tightness. At the same time, there may be constipation in the body.

2. Edema

Diuretic antihypertensive drugs may cause excessive loss of water in the body , allowing a large amount of uric acid to accumulate in the body. Depositing in the joints can easily lead to joint swelling and heat pain.

3. Persistent dry cough

Preliminary antihypertensive drugs have an antihypertensive effect by inhibiting the degradation of renin, angiotensin, aldosterone, and bradykinin. However, they may also cause excessive levels of bradykinin in the body , stimulate bronchial peripheral nerves, and induce persistent dry cough symptoms. .

High blood pressure is a common disease. You should have a correct attitude towards it, follow your doctor’s instructions and take medicine to control your blood pressure. Doing so can prevent many complications and allow you to live a normal life.

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